Source Tech



The initiative aims to support outsourcing services in the information technology sector in various regions of the Kingdom by enabling and qualifying technical competencies to provide outsourcing services competitively locally and regionally

Target Beneficiaries

International technical outsourcing companies

Local technical outsourcing companies

Initiative Goal

Localization of outsourcing business in technology sector by attracting services to the different regions of the Kingdom

Enabling outsourcing and emerging technology companies

to provide services at competitive prices locally and globally

Enabling technical competencies in the different regions of the

Kingdom to be able to compete locally and regionally in outsourcing

technology and emerging technologies

Initiative Details

The company must provide outsourcing services or emerging technology to others

Company must have ManasahTech certificate

The company must comply with the requirements of the Wages Protection System

The employee must be a Saudi national registered in social insurance

New graduate or less than three years of experience

The employee's salary should not be less than SAR 6000

The job should be one of the technical jobs for outsourcing or in one of the emerging technologies jobs

The employee should not be a beneficiary of other government subsidies

Initiative Benefits

Support training program (if any)

Financial support extends to 24 months if the employee continues

Outsourcing subsidy up to SAR 100,000 per employee

Beneficiary Journey

Register on the initiative page to benefit from the outsourcing services support product

Determine the center(s) for delivering the service in the different regions of the Kingdom

Review and approve the application by committee of the initiative

Start the process of establishing and preparing the center(s)

Starting to attract technical competencies working in headquarters

Receiving support payments after the team starts work and starts the service
